A School Lunch Flavor- Chicken Simmered with Lemon, Karaage Version.
How are you currently at the moment ?, I just trust you're effectively and joyful generally. through this web site I will introduce the recipe for cooking A School Lunch Flavor- Chicken Simmered with Lemon, Karaage Version that is currently extremely popular with various groups, with a comparatively easy and fast method of making, this A School Lunch Flavor- Chicken Simmered with Lemon, Karaage Version food is in great demand by lots of people, and tastes good also, creates all of your family members and friends You like it quite possibly.
A School Lunch Flavor- Chicken Simmered with Lemon, Karaage Version cuisine is really a dish that's classified as an easy task to make. through the use of supplies that exist around you simply, it could be created by you in simple actions. You may make it for friends or family events, and it could be provided at many standard functions perhaps. I am certain you will see lots of people who just like the A School Lunch Flavor- Chicken Simmered with Lemon, Karaage Version dishes you make.
Alright, don't linger, let's plan this a school lunch flavor- chicken simmered with lemon, karaage version menu with 9 components which are definitely easy to have, and we have to process them at the very least through 4 measures. You should shell out a while on this, so the resulting food could be perfect.
Ingredients requirements - A School Lunch Flavor- Chicken Simmered with Lemon, Karaage Version:
- You need 1 for Chicken thigh.
- You need 1 tsp Sake.
- Require 1 tbsp - Cake flour.
- Provide 1 tbsp of Katakuriko.
- Give of Combined seasonings:.
- Need 1 tbsp for Soy sauce.
- Provide 1 1/2 tbsp for Sugar.
- Provide 1 tbsp Lemon.
- Need 1 tbsp - Water.
A School Lunch Flavor- Chicken Simmered with Lemon, Karaage Version step by step:
- Cut the chicken into bite sized pieces, sprinkle with sake and leave for 10 minutes. Dust with the cake flour and katakuriko, and deep fry in oil. I coat the chicken in flour by putting them in a plastic bag and shaking it..
- Put all the seasonings in a container and mix together..
- Put the combined seasonings in a heated pan with the fried chicken pieces, and mix together until the chicken is coated and glossy..
- When the fried chicken pieces are nice and glossy, it's done. You can eat a mound of vegetables with the sauce on the chicken..
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